the content journey
using AI

Deliver your B2B content just like Netflix and Amazon. Produce an always-on experience unique to each person and drive demand.

Announcing A New PathFactory + 6sense Integration

Two best-in-class technologies join forces to marry two critical data sets for ABM— account identification and content consumption data

"PathFactory provides great insights into content consumption across all of our assets. It makes it easy to gauge buyer intent and react to those who are heavily engaged."

Adam Kaiser
Vice President, Global Marketing
GAN Integrity

Increase revenue

Reduce friction by building real-time content journeys using AI and eliminating hard gating.

Better engagement data

Focus your sales and marketing efforts where your audience is spending the most time.

Reduce costs

Get the most out of every (expensive) click by giving your audience everything they need in real-time.


B2B marketing status quo

  • Friction for your audience. Dead-end destinations, unnecessary gates, and impossible-to-find content.
  • Poor engagement signals for you. Clicks, forms fills, and page visits don’t tell you if your audience has actually consumed your content.


Frictionless B2B marketing

  • Create micro-personalized content journeys for your audience in real time based on their content consumption history.
  • Crystal clear engagement signals for you. Identify sales-ready buyers, and which content and channels are working based on time spent consuming content.

"I'm very pleased with what we've been able to accomplish with PathFactory and the myriad ways we can use the tool to improve our content and sales outreach programs."
Linda Souza
Senior Vice President, Marketing

Removing friction from B2B marketing and sales

Gartner Cool Vendor in Technology Marketing

In 2019, Gartner analysts named PathFactory one of three Cool Vendors in Technology Marketing.